Halina Kurowska
Spiritual Life Coach
Offering: Spiritual Life Coaching
Areas of Focus: Anxiety/Depression, Addiction, Grief/Loss
Education: Bachelor of Arts, (Honours) – University of Toronto; Specialist in Philosophy, Major in Sociology. Social Service Worker (Honours). Advanced Counselling and Crisis Intervention (Honours). Certified Life Coach, Heal Your Life ® accredited by Patricia J. Crane, PhD and Rick Nichols. Heal Your Life ®Workshop Leader, certified by Patricia J. Crane, PhD and Rick Nichols. Neuro-Linguistic Programing – NLP Master Practitioner. Grief and Bereavement. A Course Of Miracles student and teacher. Reiki Master Practitioner. Ho’oponopono Practitioner certified by Dr. Joe Vitale.
About Halina
For over 30 years I’ve devoted my life to spiritual development. Having transcended my own life, I’m now assisting others in their transformation. I believe that no matter what challenges you experienced or unfulfilled dreams you have, the power to change your life lies within you. Remember, the hero lies in you!
My healing work is designed to bring you to a place of awareness of what beliefs are blocking you, to help you get in touch with the wisdom that resides within you and to take you to the state of empowerment and mastery of your life. I specialize in identifying and guiding you through releasing habitual subconscious programs that prevent you from living fully empowered life.
Through working with me, my clients move from a limited place of judgment and self-criticism to a vast open field of self-love, self-compassion, self-acceptance and potentiality. This allows them to make meaningful changes in their life and experience true happiness, joy, love, fulfillment, freedom, peace, and empowerment. I believe there is a seed of Divine Wisdom within your heart and I help you awaken to it. My mission is to support your conscious evolution by honouring the wisdom within.
My unique approach to Life Coaching is rooted in my life and professional experience, as well as, many years of studying and applying the teachings of masters of spiritual wisdom traditions, philosophers and ancient healing techniques.
Life Coaching is about YOU!
It is a collaborative relationship that empowers you to live your best life. As an experienced, compassionate, and insightful Life Coach I inspire, motivate and guide my clients step-by-step to greater happiness, health, freedom from limitations, peace and fulfillment. I offer a unique blend of experience, wisdom and Soul while I listen deeply to your concerns, help you release limitations and empower you with the skills that transform your life.
Meditation is my main spiritual practice and I am a long-time practitioner of anapana and vipassana meditation; from which the mindfulness meditation originated. I spent years attending meditation retreats where I take vows of silence for many days at a time. Practicing meditation lead me to further experience awakening and unfolding of the mystical and miraculous in my life. Having experienced the enormous benefits of meditation first-hand, I now facilitate meditation classes to help others realize the profound value of adding meditation to their daily lives.
It is my great honour to be of service to your growth and transformation.