May you always remember the fleeting and sacred nature of this life.
May you always revel in this moment, remembering to take pause, and observe all that is right here, right now, as to fully envelop yourself in its magic.
May you give yourself permission to embrace yourself fully and completely. Without doubt. Without apology. Remembering that you are, in fact, sacred, and that you were born to this planet already whole. Remembering that you have absolutely nothing to prove.
Remembering that your worth is never to be earned, but claimed. That you are deserving of the deepest love, as you are right now, in this very moment.
Embrace your messy, beautiful, imperfect, dynamic, delicious life. Say “I love you” often. Hug people tightly. Take risks, even when fear is telling you not to, remembering that failure is a by product of a life fully and unapologetically lived. Go on adventures. Try new things. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable (this is the space life is radically embraced). Be relentlessly curious about people, places, and experiences. Be willing to expose your imperfections (that’s how the most genuine connections are formed), remembering that imperfection is what unites humanity. Remember the power of vulnerability, and that vulnerability is really just another word for courage.
Give yourself regular doses of compassion and forgiveness, remembering that without a willingness to be tender we cannot be fierce, and that it is through the willingness to be our own “soft place to fall” that we are able to soothe the fear that so often stops us from moving into the greatest expression of ourselves. And surely that is the meaning and purpose of life… to embrace ourselves fully, with all of our quirks, imperfections, talents, yearnings, desires, and dreams, and to commit, relentlessly, to expressing ourselves, even in the face of fear and criticism.
Embrace you, darling, for YOU are the gift you bring.