Self-compassion. Because it lies at the root of self-forgiveness. Self-forgiveness because we are imperfect, beautifully flawed beings who do and say things we regret. Because mistakes are inevitable part of this journey. Because mistakes should never be a life sentence. Because we are human and we weren’t born to be perfect. Because perfect is unattainable and not a prerequisite for love. Because love, true love, is not bound by conditions. Because freedom is at the root of love. Because love is a gift to be freely given, not given on the basis of “if you ________________ then I will love you.” Because love is a celebration of one’s essence. Of one’s being. Not of their doing or ability to perform “correctly.” (Who is to say that is correct anyway?) Because expressing love for one’s essence, for one’s being, is the basis of intrinsic worth. Because in the act of fostering one’s intrinsic worth, personal power is found. Risks are taken. Dreams are realized. Days are seized. Truly seized. Deep, meaningful connections are made because vulnerability is a way of life. People are seen. Truly seen. Lovingly seen, embraced for their imperfections and flaws and reassured that they are human and perfect in their imperfection.
Self-compassion. Because self-directed kindness is that which will soothe the pain of perceived inadequacy, allow for radical accountability and will ultimately, heal the planet.